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Family info
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Sign Up for Monday Messenger


Thank you for Supporting International School PTSA. Your membership helps us to be the #1 HS in the state and the #1 HS with 100% PTSA membership. By becoming a member, you support our school programs to be challenging and first class for our students. The PTSA is run by its members and we support a Board of members for our leadership. Decisions on budget and membership and major programs and expenditures are voted on by our membership that is you.

Membership categories:
(1) Parent or guardian:
(a) Family membership- 3 people : $35**
(b) Dual membership- 2 people : $25**
(c) Single membership- 1 person: $15**

(2) Student: Single membership- student at International School : $15**

(3) Teacher /staff: Single Membership- teacher or staff at IS : $10**

** The ISPTSA community is able to donate to a scholarship fund that can be used by anyone wanting their membership fee to be waived. There is no financial requirements to accept a scholarship. All scholarship recipients are strictly confidential.

Below you will be asked to enter your information and to select a membership. When people become members, we ask if they can provide a donation to support our financial help to International School. This is not obligatory and can be done at another time.

We are thankful for each and every one of our members that help us support each and every student at this school to be a success.

Parent info

Choosing a password is not required. But by choosing a password, you will be able to log in to this website later in order to access your account and avoid having to enter your information again. If you don't choose a password now, you can always choose one later.

If your employer matches your charitable contributions, please enter the name of the company. This is so we can confirm your contribution when your company contacts us. However, it is important for you to initiate the matching process for any eligible contributions through your company's own website or process.

This is our regular newsletter which gets distributed by email.

Choosing a password is not required. But by choosing a password, you will be able to log in to this website later in order to access your account and avoid having to enter your information again. If you don't choose a password now, you can always choose one later.

If your employer matches your charitable contributions, please enter the name of the company. This is so we can confirm your contribution when your company contacts us. However, it is important for you to initiate the matching process for any eligible contributions through your company's own website or process.

This is our regular newsletter which gets distributed by email.

Student info